SQL Error for query SELECT portal_game_adult, games.game_id, portal_game_id, portal_game_gameplays, portal_game_rating, portal_game_rating_amount, portal_game_title, portal_game_small_description, game_base_url, game_type,game_thumbnail, game_path FROM portal_games LEFT JOIN games ON (games.game_id = portal_games.game_id) WHERE (portal_games.portal_id = 4) AND (portal_games.portal_game_enable = "yes") AND (portal_games.portal_game_data_release < NOW()) AND (portal_games.portal_game_id NOT IN (35185)) AND ((portal_games.portal_game_title LIKE "%Spot the%") OR (portal_games.portal_game_title LIKE "%the Difference%") OR (portal_games.portal_game_title LIKE "%Difference with%") OR (portal_games.portal_game_title LIKE "%with Lea,%") OR (portal_games.portal_game_title LIKE "%Lea, Lee%")) ORDER BY portal_games.portal_game_rating DESC LIMIT 18Server shutdown in progressSQL Error for query SELECT portal_game_adult, games.game_id, portal_game_id, portal_game_gameplays, portal_game_rating, portal_game_rating_amount, portal_game_title, portal_game_small_description, game_base_url, game_type,game_thumbnail, game_path FROM (SELECT game_id, portal_game_adult, portal_games.portal_game_id, portal_game_gameplays, portal_game_rating, portal_game_rating_amount, portal_game_title, portal_game_small_description FROM portal_games, portal_game_tags WHERE (portal_games.portal_id = 4) AND (portal_games.portal_game_enable = "yes") AND (portal_games.portal_game_data_release < NOW()) AND (portal_games.portal_game_id NOT IN('35185')) AND (portal_game_tags.portal_tag_id = 536) AND (portal_games.portal_game_id = portal_game_tags.portal_game_id) ORDER BY portal_game_tags.portal_game_tag_id DESC, portal_games.portal_game_gameplays DESC LIMIT 3) as T1 LEFT JOIN games ON (games.game_id = T1.game_id) LIMIT 3MySQL server has gone awaySQL Error for query SELECT portal_game_adult, games.game_id, portal_game_id, portal_game_gameplays, portal_game_rating, portal_game_rating_amount, portal_game_title, portal_game_small_description, game_base_url, game_type,game_thumbnail, game_path FROM portal_games LEFT JOIN games ON (games.game_id = portal_games.game_id) WHERE (portal_games.portal_id = 4) AND (portal_games.portal_game_enable = "yes") AND (portal_games.portal_game_data_release < NOW()) AND (portal_games.portal_game_id NOT IN('35185')) ORDER BY portal_games.rank DESC LIMIT 0, 18MySQL server has gone awaySpot the Difference with Lea, Lee and Lilou
Spot the Difference with Lea, Lee and Lilou

Spot the Difference with Lea, Lee and Lilou

A classic find-a-difference game. You should find all the differences between two pictures. If you often play our games, we think you know what to do! A lot of pictures and levels. Have fun!

Game Statistics

  • Rating 4.08
  • Rated 49
  • Played 2,534

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<iframe src="//www.flashgirlgames.com/get-game-code/cca8f108b55ec9e39d7885e24f7da0af" width="728px" height="530px" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Spot the Difference with Lea, Lee and Lilou